An aimless gamer and his two friends find themselves in a parallel Tokyo, where they're forced to compete in dangerous games in order to survive. In this strange world, Arisu meets Usagi, a young woman who's navigating the games alone. Together, they set out to unravel one mystery after another as they risk their lives and confront what it means to live.
Usagi is Japanese for rabbit
Arisu is short for Alice
Genres: Sci-Fi TV, TV Shows Based on Comics, Japanese TV Programmes
This programme is: Dark, Suspenseful
Cast: Kento Yamazaki, Tao Tsuchiya, Nijiro Murakami
Key Characters:
- Arisu Ryohei (Kento Yamazaki)
- Usagi Yuzuha (Tao Tsuchiya)
- Chota
- Karub
Official Trailer:
Alice in Borderland on Netflix - Season 1
Episode 1
Arisu and his friends run into a public bathroom to hide from the police, but when they reemerge, the streets of Tokyo are suddenly completely empty.
Episode 2
Leaving an injured Chota, Arisu and Karube head out to gain more experience. They come to a sprawling apartment, where a deadly game of tag awaits. There is a bomb on a 20 minute timer which they need to diffuse, which is protected by the enemy. Something is noted about the Beach.
Episode 3
With Chota and Shibuki's visas fast expiring, the four enter a vast botanical garden in Shinjuku, where they take part in a cruel game of betrayal. Hearts card. It is a game of wolf and three lambs.
Episode 4
Arisu is overwhelmed with guilt and ready to give up, but Usagi urges him to keep going. Next up is a game of endurance in an underground highway.
Episode 5
After Arisu and Usagi find their way to the Beach, the king of the so-called utopian have forces them to help gather the remaining playing cards.
Episode 6
Chishiya recruits Arisu and Usagi to help him change the status quo. An unforeseen event rocks the fragile power dynamics of the Beach.
Episode 7
Once a safe haven, the Beach becomes the arena for the next stage, where an epic witch hunt turns everyone against each other in a hostile showdown.
Episode 8
Tensions inside the resort reach a boiling point. As the game block nears zero, those who've survived the onslaught now face an uncertain future.